orb crown

Holy Roman Empire in nummis

History in a coin

Curial Office and Officiers

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The Officiesup

The imperatori had the right to have two Courts: a true one and one composed by Archofficiers of the Empire (Erzämter, archiofficia). 4 Archofficies appeared under the ottonian dinasty, at the time of Otto I'crowning in 936. Every Stammherzöge owned one of such officies. _The Golden Bull (1356) gave such officies at the Electors.

1625 Pfalz was made Electorate, and a new Archoffice called Archtreasurer was created. 1706, Pfalz was made Erztruchseß and the Archtreasurer title was given in 1710 to Braunschweig-Calemberg-Hannover.
In 1714 the electoral rank was given again to Bayern: the Palatine Count was (again) Archtreasurer, Hannover still the old rank and insigna.

New officiers were created, but never used, for the electors created in 1803

Erzämte (Curial Archofficies )up

Archchancellor for GermanyErzkanzler durch GermanienMainz(none)
Archchancellor for ItalyErzkanzler durch ItalienKoeln-Bistum(none)
Archchancellor for Gallia and BurgundErzkanzler durch Gallien und Arelat (Burgund)Trier(none)
Gran CoppiereErzschenkBoehmen(none)
ArciscalcoErztruchseßPfalz (-1623, 1706-1714) Bayern(1623-1706, 1714-)Gules, a Golden globe.
ArchmarshallErzmarschallSachsenTruncated Sable and Argent, two swords per saltire Gules over all.
ArchchamberlainErzkämmererBrandenburgAzure, a mace Gold
ArchtreasurerErzschatzmeisterPfalz (1648-1706, 1714-1777) Braunschweig Calenberg Hannover (1710-1714, -1777)Gules / Gules the Charlemagne's Crown Gold.

Nell'esercizio di queste funzioni al di fuori della cerimonia dell'incoronazione, gli elettori laici erano rappresentati dai detentori dei corrispondenti uffici ereditari (Erbämter), i quali a loro volta, nell'esercizio quotidiano delle proprie attività curiali, venivano sostituiti da "aiutanti": (Hofämter: Obrist-Hofmeister, Obrist-Kämmerer, Obrist-Hofmarschall, Obrist-Stallmeister).

Erbämte (Hereditary Officies)up

ErbamtNel ReichIn Austria
Bottigliere Mundschenk Buticularius/PincernaLimburg (fino al 1714), AlthannCoppa d'oro sul tuttoBarth v. BarthenheimD'azzurro alla coppa coperta d'oro
Scalco Truchseß DapiferWaldburgDi rosso all'orbe d'oroSchönborn-BuchheimD'armellino, all'orbe imperiale d'oro su un cuscino di rosso orlato del secondo.
Chamberlain Kämmerer CamerariusHohenzollernDi rosso a due scettri d'oro in decusse Lamberg
Marshall MarschallPappenheimTruncated Sable and Argent, two swords per saltire Gules.Starhemberg
Treasurer Schatzmeister AErariusSinzendorfGules / Gules, the Charlemagne's crown Gold

Reichsämte (Imperial Officies)up

Porta stendardoBannerherrWürttembergD'azzurro, allo stendardo imperiale posto in banda.
Maestro delle PostePostmeisterTaxis
UsciereErbtürhüterWerthernDi nero, alla mazza d'oro disposta in sbarra, a due foglie in capo e una in punta.Chotek
Maestro della cacciaJägermeisterUrachD'oro al corno da caccia di rosso guarnito d'argento e cordato d'azzurro Lamberg
Maestro delle stalleStallmeisterSchwarzburg, LeutenbergD'oro al forcone e alla striglia posti in fascia di rossoHarrach
HofmeisterBayern Ungnad-Weißenwolff
PanierAbensperg und Traun
Vorschneider Althann
aquila imperiale italiano english Karl der Grosse